Bu listede gordugunuz Masonlugunun aciklanmasina izin vermis olanlardir.
Turk Masonlar
Devlet Adamları ve Politikacılar
33.Osmanlı Padişahı V.Murad,
Şehzade Kemalettin Efendi,
Şehzade Nurettin Efendi,
5.Murad’ın Başmabeyincisi Ahmet Seyid,
Sadrazam Koca Mustafa Reşit Paşa,
Sadrazam Âli Paşa,
Sadrazam Keçecizade Fuat Paşa,
Sadrazam Tunuslu Ethem Paşa,
Sadrazam Hayrettin Paşa,
Sadrazam Mithat Paşa,
Sadrazam Ahmet Vefik Paşa,
Sadrazam İbrahim Hakkı Paşa,
Sadrazam Talat Paşa,
Maliye, Maarif ve Evkaf Nazırı M.Raşit Arer,
Bahriye Nazırı Cemal Paşa,
Maliye Nazırı Cavit Bey,
Maliye Nazırı Tevfik Bey,
Hariciye Nazırı Ahmet Nesimi Sayman,
Nafia Nazırı Ali Münif,
Posta Nazırı Kirkor Agaton,
Devlet Adamı ve Yazar Ethem Pertev Paşa,
Devlet Adamı ve Musikişinas Prens Mehmet Abdülhalim Paşa, Prens Aziz Hasan Paşa,
Devlet Adamı ve Şair Süleyman Asaf,
Şam Valisi ve Abdülhamid’in Damadı olan Damat Ahmet Nami Bey,
Ankara Valisi Reşit Paşa,
İttihat ve Terakki Fırkası Umumi Katibi Mithat Şükrü Bleda,
Maliye Müsteşarı Faik Süleyman,
Hürriyet Kahramanı Resneli Niyazi,
Büyük Millet Meclisi Reisi Kazım Özalp,
Başbakan Hasan Saka,
Başbakan Suat Hayri Ürgüplü,
Adalet Bakanı Mümtaz Ökmen,
Başbakan Yardımcısı Akif İyidoğan,
Dışişleri Bakanı Bekir Sami Daça,
Dışişleri Bakanı Tevfik Rüştü Aras,
Dışişleri Bakanı Selim Sarper,
İçişleri Bakanı Mehmet Cemil Uybadın,
İçişleri Bakanı Şükrü Kaya,
Adalet Bakanı Hasan Menemencioğlu,
Milli Eğitim Bakanı Vasıf Çınar,
Milli Eğitim Bakanı Mustafa Necati,
Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hasan Âli Yücel,
Milli Savunma Bakanı Münir Birsel,
Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Köymen,
Tarım Bakanı Reşat Muhlis Erkmen,
Çalışma Bakanı Mümtaz Tarhan,
Ticaret Bakanı Zühtü Velibeşe,
Ticaret Bakanı Ahmet Dallı,
Bakan, Milli Emniyet Başkanı Celal Tevfik Karasapan,
Atatürk’ün Yaveri, Bolu Milletvekili Cevat Abbas Gürer,
Humbaracı Ahmet Paşa (Comte de Bonneval),
İngiliz Amirali ve Türk Müşiri olan Hobart Paşa,
Abdülaziz’in Başmabeyincisi Namık Paşazade Hüseyin Cemil Paşa,
Plevne Kahramanı Gazi Osman Paşa,
Müşir Fuat Paşa,
Cihan Harbi’nde Kafkas Cephesi’nde şehit olan Hüseyin Hüsnü Paşa,
Birinci Ordu Komutanı Ali İhsan Sabis Paşa,
Jandarma Genel Komutanı Ali Remzi Yiğitgüder Paşa,
Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Zeki Doğan Paşa,
Münakalat Vekili Yümni Üresin Paşa,
Yüksek Şura Üyesi Eşref Manas Paşa,
Bilim Adamları
Bilgin ve Devlet Adamı Mehmet Tahir Münif Paşa,
Tıp Doktoru Dr.Antranik Gırcikyan Paşa,
Ülkemizde yeni eğitim yöntemlerini getiren Selim Sabit Efendi,
Kızılay ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu’nun kurucularından Mehmet Ali Baba,
Sözlükçü, Yazar Hüseyin Kazım Kadri,
TTK Başkanlığı yapmış olan Hasan Cemil Çambel,
İktisat Profesörü Mustafa Zühtü İnhan,
Tıp Profesörü Neşet Ömer İrdelp,
Coğrafya Profesörü Faik Sabri Duran,
Psikoloji Profesörü Mustafa Şekip Tunç,
İTÜ Rektörü Mustafa İnan,
Tıp Profesörü M.Kemal Öke,
Eğitimci, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Müdürü Hayrullah Örs,
Hukuk Profesörü Vasfi Raşit Sevig,
Tıp Profesörü, Rektör ve daha sonra milletvekilliği de yapmış olan Besim Ömer Akalın,
Tıp Profesörü Niyazi İsmet Gözcü,
Fen Fakültesi Dekanı Hüseyin Hamit,
Rektörlük de yapmış olan Profesör Mustafa Hulki Erem,
Y.Müh., Rektör Suphi Kamil,
Ord.Prof.Dr. Burhanettin Toker,
Fizik Profesörü Salih Murat Uzdilek,
Ord.Prof.Dr. Fahri Arel,
Prof.Dr.Muzaffer Şevki,
Matematik Profesörü, Dekan Kerim Erim,
Müzikolog Cevad Memduh Altar,
Tıp Profesörü ve Rektör Kazım İsmail Gürkan,
İktisat Profesörü Mehmet Ali Özeken,
Tarih Profesörü ve TTK Başkanı Enver Ziya Karal
Şairler & Yazarlar
Gazeteci ve Yazar Şinasi,
Şair ve Devlet Adamı Ziya Paşa,
Gazeteci ve Yazar Teodor Kasap,
Büyük Vatan Şairi Namık Kemal,
Tiyatrocu ve Yazar Güllü Agop,
Yazar Mehmet Emin Bey,
Yazar ve Gazeteci Ahmet Rasim,
Lügatçı ve Yazar Diran Kelekyan,
Milli Şair Mehmet Emin Yurdakul,
Yazar ve Filozof Rıza Tevfik,
Yazar ve Gazeteci Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın,
Yazar ve Sosyolog Ziya Gökalp,
Şair ve Noter Mithat Cemal Kuntay,
Yazar ve Gazeteci Ahmet Emin Yalman,
Yazar ve Öğretmen Reşad Nuri Güntekin,
Yazar ve Gazeteci Agah Sırrı Levent,
Müzisyen Şükrü Şenozan,
Ressam Ali Sami Boyar,
Ressam Nazmi Ziya Güran,
Ressam, GSA Müdürü Namık İsmail,
Sahne Sanatçısı Behzat Butak,
İ.Galip Arcan,
Karikatürist Ramiz Gökçe,
Opera Sanatçısı Nurullah Şevket Taşkıran,
Müzisyen Mesut Cemil Tel,
Piyanist Mithat Fenmen,
Sinema Sanatçısı Ayhan Işık,
Orkestra Şefi Orhan Tanrıkulu,
Heykeltraş Haluk Tezonar,
Mason Din Adamları
Şeyhülislam Musa Kazım Efendi,
Şeyhülislam İzzettin Efendi,
Şeyhülislam Hayri Efendi,
Berlin Sefareti Baş İmamı Mustafa Hafız Şükrü,
Sefaret İmamı Haşim Veli,
Müderris Mahmut Esad Efendi,
Eğitimci Masonlar
Muvaffak Benderli,
Yontov Garti,
Hikmet Gürtav,
Mehmet Ali Kırca,
Celal Öget,
Halit Sarıkaya,
Ali Teoman
Political and civil rights leaders
* Sir Edmund Barton ( 1st Australian Prime Minister) Born 1849 Died 1920, P/M from 1901 to 1903
* Sir George Reid, 4th Prime Minister of Australia, Lodge Centennial No. 169, UGL of NSW
* Sir Joseph Cook 6th Prime Minister of Australia
* Viscount Stanley Melbourne Bruce 8th Prime Minister of Australia
* Sir Robert Menzies, 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Austral Temple Lodge No. 110, VIC
* Sir Arthur William Fadden 13th Prime Minister of Australia
* Sir John Grey Gorton 19th Prime Minister of Australia
* Sir William McMahon 20th Prime Minister of Australia
* Sir Harry Lawson, 27th Premier of Victoria, Scotch Collegians Lodge
* Sir Earle Christmas Grafton
* Sir William Clarke, former Cheif Justice of Victoria, first GM of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria
* Herbert Henry “Smokey Dawson” MBE AM, country music entertainer and community leader
* Sir Donald Bradman, World Famous Australian Cricketer
* Sir Hubert Opperman, World’s Fastest Bicyclist in 1930s; Governement Minister; High Commissioner to
* Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, aviator who was first to cross the Pacific from the US to Brisbane in about 1928. He was a MM of a Brisbane lodge, and, as a matter of interest, it is his MM apron which is perambulated in the memorial service each Anzac Day in the Brisbane Memorial Masonic Centre.
* Sir Thomas Playford, Former Premier of South Australia
* Charles Karius Explorer initiated New Guinea Lodge (292 UGLQ) 29 Nov 26, passed 11 Feb 28, raised 9 Oct 35
* Hugh Webster, once Prof of Physics at Uni Qld and for a time Australia’s Science Rep to the United Nations
* Air Commadore Rex Taylor CBE, John Knox Lodge
* Major-General Sir Robert Risson, Past Grand Master
* Lt-General Sir John Northcot, Past Grand Master-NSW (Initiated in Lodge Army and Navy after he was Commissioned as Governor of NSW)
* Lt-General Sir John Lavarack, Past Grand Master-Qld
* Chap Archdeacon GE Lambie, Past Grand Chaplain
* Chap-General Rev AT Holden, Past Grand Master
* John So, Current Lord Mayor of Victoria
* Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil
* Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca, Grão Mestre de Grande Oriente do Brasil, later first president of Brazil.ref>http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/8527/hist.html</ref>
* Prime Minister John J.C. Abbott, St Paul’s Lodge No. 374 E.R., Montreal, QC
* James T.M. Anderson, Banner Lodge No. 154, Regina, SK
* Robert Alexander Anderson, Acacia Lodge No. 22
* Harold Ballard, Corinthian Lodge No. 481, Toronto, ON
* Robert Beaven, Quadra Lodge No. 8, Victoria
* Prime Minister Richard Bedford Bennett, Miramichi Lodge No. 187, Chatham, NB
* W.A.C. Bennett, St. George Lodge No. 41, Kelowna, BC
* Alexander Bethune, founding member of Acacia Lodge No. 22
* Prime Minister Robert Laird Borden, St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 1, Halifax, NS
* Prime Minister Mackenzie Bowell, St. Lawrence Lodge No. 640 E.R., Montreal, QC
* William John Bowser, Past Provincial Grand Master of Vancouver, BC
* Harlan Carey Brewster, Vancouver and Quadra Lodge No. 2, Victoria, BC
* Samuel Bronfman, Covenant Lodge No. 108, Quebec
* Frederick Buscombe, Cascade Lodge No. 12
* Douglas Lloyd Campbell, Assiniboine Lodge No. 7, Portage La Prairie
* Frederick Cope, Cascade Lodge No. 12
* Amor De Cosmos, Victoria Lodge No. 1085
* A.E.B. Davie, Cariboo Lodge No. 4, Barkerville
* Prime Minister John George Diefenbaker, Wakaw Lodge No. 166, Wakaw, SK
* Charles Douglas, Mount Hermon Lodge No. 7
* Tommy Douglas, Weyburn Lodge No. 20 GRS, Weyburn, SK
* Sir Sandford Fleming, St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 16, Toronto, ON
* James Garden, Cascade Lodge No. 12
* Josiah Henson Mount Moriah Lodge No. 4 GRC, Dresden, ON
* Tim Horton, Kroy Lodge No. 676, Toronto, ON
* Byron Ingemar Johnson, Saint Andrew’s Lodge No, 41, Victoria, BC
* William Jarvis, Provincial Secretary for Upper Canada. First Provincial Grand Master for Upper Canada, 1792
* Alexander Keith, Founder of Keith lodge #23 in Moncton New Brunswick
* Prime Minister John A. MacDonald, Ancient St. John’s Lodge No. 3, Kingston, ON
* William M. Martin, Past Grand Master of Saskatchewan
* Sir Allan Napier MacNab, Provincial Grand Master of Upper Canada 1845-57, and Grand Master of the Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada, 1857
* Sir Richard McBride, Union Lodge No. 9, New Westminster, BC
* John Foster McCreight, Victoria Lodge No. 783, BC
* John Duncan MacLean, Pacific Lodge No. 16, Mission, BC
* Col. Samuel McLaughlin, Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa
* John Molson, St. Paul’s Lodge, Montreal, Prov. GM of Lower Canada 1826
* Thomas Neelands, Mount Hermon Lodge No. 7
* David Oppenheimer, Vancouver Lodge No. 2
* William John Patterson, Evening Star Lodge No. 10, Grenfell, SK
* Edward Gawler Prior, Victoria Columbia Lodge No. 1, Victoria, BC
* Alexander C. Rutherford, Acacia Lodge No. 11
* Joseph E. Seagram, Grand River Lodge No. 151, Kitchener, ON
* Sir John Graves Simcoe, Union Lodge No. 307, E.R. (Moderns), Exeter, England
* Joey Smallwood, Northcliffe Lodge No. 1886
* W. Ross Thatcher, St. George’s Lodge No. 136, Moose Jaw, SK
* Thomas Townley, Cascade Lodge No. 12
* John Herbert Turner, Vancouver Lodge No. 421 SR, Victoria, BC
* George Anthony Walkem, King Solomon’s Lodge No. 22, Toronto, ON
* President Salvador Allende, Lodge Progresso No. 4, Valparaíso
* Air Force General Alberto Bachelet
* Edvard Beneš, Lodge Ian Amos Komensky No. 1, Prague and Lodge Pravda Vitezi
* Frédéric Bartholdi, Grand Orient de France, “Alsace-Lorraine” oct 14 1875
* Louis Blanc, La Grand Loge des Philadelphes (Rite of Memphis-Misraim)
* Nicolas Chamfort, Loge Les Neuf Sœurs, Paris
* Victor Hugo
* Dr. Robert Moray, Edinburgh [Lodge] 1641.
* Félix Pyat, La Grand Loge des Philadelphes (Rite of Memphis-Misraim)
* Adolphe Talandier, La Grand Loge des Philadelphes (Rite of Memphis-Misraim)
* François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Raised 1778 by WM Ben Franklin, Loge des Neuf Sœurs, Paris
* Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre, Alsace Lorrain Lodge, Paris
* Napoleon I Armee Philadelphe Lodge
* Omar Bongo, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Gabon, 1983
* Ignaz Aurelius Fessler, Grand Lodge of the 3 Globes at Berlin, 1796
* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* Frederick II of Prussia
* King David Kalakaua, Lodge Le Progress de l’Oceanie No. 124
* King Kamehameha IV, Lodge Le Progress de l’Oceanie No. 124
* King Kamehameha V, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21
* Lajos Kossuth, Cincinnati Lodge No. 133, Cincinnati, Ohio
* President Sveinn Björnsson, Past Grand Master of Iceland
* Edmund Burke, Jerusalem Lodge No. 44
* Henry Haslett, Lodge 257, Belfast
* Thomas McCabe, Lodge 684, Belfast
* Daniel O’Connell, Lodge No. 189, Dublin; Lodge No. 13, Limerick; charter member, Lodge in Tralee
* William Tenant, Lodge 257, Belfast
* Silvio Berlusconi, As a member of P2
* Giuseppe Garibaldi, Loge Les Amis de la Patrie, Uruguay; Tompkinsville Lodge No. 471, Staten Island, NY
* Licio Gelli
* Giuseppe Mazzini, Past Grand Master, Grand Orient of Italy
* Alighiero Noschese
* Prime Minister Ichirō Hatoyama, Hatoyama was made a Mason in March 1955 in Tokyo
* Nishi Amane, La Vertu Lodge No, 7, Leyden, October 20, 1864
* King Hussein of Jordan, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Jordan
* HRH Colonel Sir Ibrahim, The Sultan of Johor. Initiated, 11th April 1906 in Empire Lodge No. 2108 in London.
* H.H. Tunku Abdul Malik Ibni Sultan Badlishah, House of Kedah. Initiated, 9th January 1959, Lodge Kedah No. 3830 E.C. Sungei Petani.
* HRH Sultan Idris Ibni Sultan Iskandar Shah, Sultan of Johor. Initiated 9th July 1960, Lodge Napier No. 3418 EC in Ipoh.
* President Benito Juárez
* President Carlos Salinas
* Dr. José Rizal, national hero and pride of the Malay race, Acacia Lodge No. 9 Spain, Logia Solidaridad 53 Madrid 1890, Nilad Lodge No. 144, 1892
* Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippine Commonwealth (1935-1944), Sinukuan Lodge No. 272, 1908
* Jose Abad Santos, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, one of the greatest heroes of World War II. He was made a Master Mason in 1919
* Numeriano R. Adriano, former Vice-President of the Republic, like many others gave his life (executed) during the Philippine Revolution
* Bishop Gregorio Aglipay, revolutionary Catholic priest, excommunicated for joining the libertarian movement
* Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, first president of the Philippine Republic. Pilar Lodge No. 203, 1895. Founder of Magdalo Lodge No. 31
* Dr. Galicano C. Apacible, patriot and propagandist, Logia Revoluccion in Barcelona and Logia Solidaridad 53 in Madrid (mid 1880’s)
* Conrado Benitez, civic leader, esteemed educator, economist, author. Grand Master of Masons of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in 1936
* Nicanor Abelardo, musician/composer, “father of the sonata in the Philippines”. Luzon Lodge No. 57
* Andres Bonifacio, founded the Katipunan, a secret society established to gain independence from Spain through force. Taliba Lodge No. 165, 1892
* Manuel Camus, philantropist and civic leader, organizer of Boy Scouts and YMCA and charity organizations. Lodge Perla del Oriente 1034, 1908
* Marcelo H. del Pilar, soul of the Philippine Revolution. He co-founded Logia Revoluccion in Barcelona, Spain and revived Logia Solidaridad 53
* Isabelo de los Reyes, labor leader, historian and founder of the Philippine folklore, Luz de Oriente Lodge, 1896
* Teodoro M. Kalaw, prolific writer, scholar, orator and statesman, Nilad Lodge 1907, Gran Logia de Filipinas 1915
* Jose P. Laurel, President of the 2nd Philippine Republic, Supreme Court Justice, patriot. Batangas Lodge No. 383
* Graciano Lopez Jaena, gifted writer, orator, patriot. Logia Povernir No. 2, co-founded Logia Solidaridad 53 in Madrid
* Gen. Antonio Luna, writer, dedicated patriot, foremost military strategist. Logia Solidaridad 53, Madrid
* Apolinario Mabini, considered by many as the “Brains of the Philippine Revolution”. Logia Balagtas 149, 1892
* Camilo Osias, foremost, educator, legislator, writer. Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4, 1918
* Rafael Palma, lawyer, statesman, educator. First Filipino president of the University of the Philippines. Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 291, 1908
* Quintin Paredes, first Filipino Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney General, Supreme Court Justice. Sinukuan Lodge No. 16, 1913
* Manuel Roxas, President of the Republic of the Philippines (1946-1948). Makawiwili Lodge No. 55, 1920
* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lodge Zur Woltätigkeit, Vienna; Lodge Zur Wahren Eintracht
* Vasile Alecsandri, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris [1]
* Grigore Alexandrescu, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris [2]
* Constantin Argetoianu [2]
* Ion C. Brătianu, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris; “Steaua Dunării” Lodge, Bucharest [1]
* Nicolae Bălcescu, “Frăţia” Secret Society [1]
* Dimitrie Bolintineanu [2]
* Cezar Bolliac, Philharmonic Society [3]
* Dimitrie Cantemir, Scottish Rosicrucian [1]
* Victor Eftimiu [2]
* Nicolae Filimon [2]
* Octavian Goga [2]
* Ion Ghica, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris; “Frăţia” Secret Society [2]
* Horea [1]
* Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu [2]
* Mihail Kogălniceanu [1]
* Gheorghe Magheru [1]
* Titu Maiorescu, “Steaua României” Lodge, Iaşi [2]
* Ion Minulescu [2]
* Eftimie Murgu, “Frăţia” Secret Society
* Costache Negruzzi [1]
* Ion Heliade Rădulescu, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris; Philharmonic Society; Marea Lojă; “Steaua Dunării” [2]
* C.A. Rosetti, L’;athénée des Etrangers, Paris [1]
* Alecu Russo, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris
* Mihail Sadoveanu, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Lodge [2]
* Christian Tell, L’athénée des Etrangers, Paris
* Nicolae Titulescu [2]
* Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, “Ernest Renan” Lodge
* Tudor Vladimirescu [1]
* Traian Vuia [2]
* Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Famous Russian poet and novelist
* Ivan Perfilevich Elagin, Grand Provincial Master for the Grand Lodge of England
* Alexander Kerensky, La Petite Ourse(Ursa Minor)), “Rose” lodge
* Maxim Maximovich Kovalevsky, L”Avangard Masonnique, Les Vrais Amis Fideles
* Grigoriy Nikolayevich Vyrubov, Rose of the perfect silence (Worshipful Master)
* Pavel Yablochkov, Worshipful Master of Scottish rite lodges in Paris, first Worshipful master of Scottish lodge “Cosmos”, 1887-1888
* Thomas Stamford Raffles, Raised July 5, 1813, Lodge De Vriendschap, Souraba
UK: England & Wales, and Scotland
(the two Masonic jurisdictions have never been united)
* Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England
* Sir Winston Churchill, Studholme Alliance Lodge No. 1591, Rosemary Lodge No. 2851. (Note: The Churchill Society claims he resigned from his Lodges in 1912.)
* HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (current)
* Prince Michael of Kent, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons (current)
* HRH Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, Grand Master of the Atholl or Antient Grand Lodge of England (which existed until the Union in 1813)
* HM King Edward VII, previously Grand Master of United Grand Lodge of England; Protector of the Craft
* HM King Edward VIII (later Duke of Windsor), Household Brigade Lodge No. 2614; Past Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England
* Andrew Bruce, 11th Earl of Elgin, Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland
* HM King George IV, previously Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns), Grand Patron of UGLE from 1814.
* HM King George VI, Naval Lodge No. 2612; Past Grand Master of Scotland; Past Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England
* HRH Prince Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns), who granted Prince Hall his charter in 1784
* Sir Robert Moray, Newcastle 1641
* James Oglethorpe, first Master of King Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, GA
* George Robinson, 1st Marquess of Ripon, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (1870)
* Sir Christopher Wren, Master of Lodge Original, No. 1, now the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2
* Charles Bradlaugh, La Grand Loge des Philadelphes (Rite of Memphis-Misraim)
* Sir Michael A. Diamond I
* John Jacob Astor, Holland Lodge No. 8, NY
* David Rice Atchison, Platte Lodge No. 56, MO
* Gunning Bedford, Jr., Lodge No. 14, Christina Ferry, DE; Past Grand Master of Delaware
* Julian Bond, St. James Lodge No. 4
* Ernest Borgnine, Lodge No. 48, Abingdon, VA
* John C. Breckinridge
* William Jennings Bryan, Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebraska
* John Brown, Hudson Lodge No. 68, Hudson, OH
* Asa S. Bushnell, (Governor of Ohio 1896-1900), made a Mason at Sight by Grand Master Levi C. Goodale in 1894, Affiliated with Anthony Lodge No. 455 in Springfield on 3 April 1894
* Jonathan Byrne, 33°, Charlotte Lodge No. 39, (former American Gladiator)
* Henry A. Wallace ,Pioneer Lodge No. 22 in Des Moines, Iowa;
* Henry Clay, Past Grand Master of Kentucky
* Samuel L. Clemens – AKA “Mark Twain”, Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St. Louis, Missouri
* DeWitt Clinton, Past Grand Master of New York, Holland Lodge No. 8, NY
* George Clinton, Warren Lodge #17, NYC
* Mac Collins, former Congressman, St. John’s Lodge #45, Jackson, GA
* George M. Dallas, Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania (1835): Franklin Lodge #134, Pennsylvania
* William Crosby Dawson, Past Grand Master of Georgia 1843-1856, San Marino Lodge No. 34, Greensboro, Georgia
* Cecil B. DeMille, Film Director. Prince Orange Lodge No. 16 NYC
* W.E.B. Du Bois, Widow’s Son Lodge No. 1, New Haven, CT
* Bob Dole 33°, Grand Cross. Russell Lodge No. 177, KS
* Jimmy Doolittle 33°, Grand Cross
* Sam Ervin 33°, Grand Cross.
* Benjamin Franklin, February 1731, St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia; Lodge at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA; WM, Loge des Neuf Sœurs, Paris; Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania
* Elbridge Gerry, Philanthropic Lodge, Marblehead, MA
* John H. Glenn, Jr. 33°. Concord Lodge No. 688, Concord, Ohio.
* Barry Goldwater, Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, AZ
* Gus Grissom Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Indiana
* Jesse Helms, Past Grand Orator of North Carolina
* Burl Ives 33°, Grand Cross
* Henry A. Wallace, Pioneer Lodge No. 22 in Des Moines, Iowa;
* Jack Kemp, Fraternal Lodge No. 625, Hamburg, NY
* William King, Past Grand Master of Maine
* Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Garibaldi Lodge No. 542, NY
* General Douglas MacArthur 33°, Manila Lodge No. 1, 1936, Philippines
* George C. Marshall Made mason on site at GL of Washington, DC
* Abner V. McCall 33°, Grand Cross
* Kweisi Mfume, Mt. Olive Lodge No. 25, Baltimore, MD
* Audie Murphy 33°
* Sam Nunn 33°, Grand Cross. Honored as Supreme Temple Architect 1995
* Arnold Palmer 33°
* Norman Vincent Peale 33°, Grand Cross
* Matthew Perry, (Commodore) Holland Lodge No. 8, NY
* John J. Pershing, Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebraska
* Albert Pike, Western Star Lodge No. 2, Little Rock, Arkansas. Sovereign Grand Commander AASR, Southern Jurisdiction.
* Joel Roberts Poinsett, Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Charleston
* Roscoe Pound, Lancaster Lodge No. 54, Lincoln, Nebraska
* John A. Quitman, Past Grand Master of Mississippi
* Will Rogers 32°
* John Sparkman, Helion Lodge #1, Huntsville, Alabama
* John Philip Sousa 33°
* Richard Tea Aztlan Lodge #4, Prescott, Arizona
* Daniel D. Tompkins, Grand Master of New York, 1819-22
* George Wallace, Past Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Alabama
* Marvin Zindler, 33°
American Revolution
* Benedict Arnold, Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, CT
* John Blair, Williamsburg Lodge No. 6; Past Grand Master of Virginia
* Chief Joseph Brant, Hiram’s Cliftonian Lodge No. 47, Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton, ON
* Benjamin Franklin, February 1731, St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia; Lodge at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA; WM, Loge Les Neuf Sœurs, Paris; Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania
* John Hancock, Massachusetts Lodge No. 277, QC; St. Andrew’s Lodge, Boston, MA
* Brigadier General Nicholas Herkimer, St. Patrick’s Lodge, Johnstown, NY
* William Hooper, Hanover Lodge, Masonborough, NC
* John Paul Jones, St. Bernards Lodge No. 122, Kirkudbright, Scotland
* Rufus King, St John’s Lodge, Newburyport, MA
* General Rufus Putnam, Past Grand Master of Ohio
* Paul Revere, St. Andrew’s Lodge, Boston, MA; Grand Master of Massachusetts 1794-97.
* Baron von Steuben, Trinity Lodge No. 10, New York, NY
* Richard Stockton, charter Master, St. John’s Lodge, Princeton, NJ
* George Walton, Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, GA
* Joseph Warren, St. Andrew’s Lodge, Boston, MA; Past Provincial Grand Master of Massachusetts
* William Whipple, St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth, NH mitch stein
U.S. Presidents
* George Washington, Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4; Alexandria Lodge No. 22, VA
* James Monroe, Williamsburgh Lodge No. 6, VA
* Andrew Jackson, Harmony Lodge No. 1; Past Grand Master of Tennessee.
* James K. Polk, Columbia Lodge No. 31, TN
* James Buchanan, Past Master of Lancaster Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, PA; Past District Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
* Andrew Johnson, Greenville Lodge No. 119, TN
* James A. Garfield, Magnolia Lodge No. 20, OH
* William McKinley, Hiram Lodge No. 21, VA
* Theodore Roosevelt, Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, NY
* William Howard Taft, “Mason at sight”; affiliated Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, OH
* Warren G. Harding, Marion Lodge No. 70, OH
* Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Holland Lodge No. 8, NY
* Harry S Truman, 33° Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, MO; Past Grand Master of Missouri
* Gerald Ford Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, DC, courtesy to Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids,
U.S. Supreme Court Justices
* Henry Baldwin, Associate Justice (1830-1844)
* Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice (1937-1971), Birmingham Temple Lodge No. 836, Birmingham, AL
* John Blair, Associate Justice (1789-96), Grand Master of Virginia from 1778 to 1784
* Samuel Blatchford, Associate Justice (1882-1893)
* Harold H. Burton, Associate Justice (1945-1958)
* James F. Byrnes, Associate Justice (1941-1942)
* John H. Clarke, Associate Justice (1916-1922)
* Thomas C. Clark, Associate Justice (1949-1967)
* William Cushing, Associate Justice (1789-1810), St. Andrews Lodge, Boston
* Willis Van Devanter, Associate Justice (1911-1937)
* William O. Douglas, Associate Justice (1939-1975)
* Oliver Ellsworth, Chief Justice (1796-1800)
* Stephen J. Field, Associate Justice (1863-1897)
* John M. Harlan, Associate Justice
* Robert H. Jackson, Associate Justice (1941-1954)
* John Jay, Chief Justice (1789-1795)
* Joseph E. Lamar, Associate Justice (1888-1893), Webb Lodge No. 166 F.& A.M., Augusta, Georgia
* John Marshall, Chief Justice (1801-1835) – Grand Master of Virginia (1793 & 1794)
* Thurgood Marshall, Associate Justice (1967-1991), Coal Creek Lodge No. 88, Tulsa, Oklahoma PHA
* Stanley Mathews, Associate Justice (1881-1889)
* John McLean, Associate Justice (1829-1861)
* Sherman Minton, Associate Justice (1949-1956)
* William H. Moody, Associate Justice (1906-1910)
* Samuel Nelson, Associate Justice (1845-1872)
* William Paterson, Associate Justice (1793-1806)
* Mahlon Pitney, Associate Justice (1912-1922)
* Stanley F. Reed, Associate Justice (1938-1957)
* John Rutledge, Chief Justice (1795), Associate Justice (1789-1791)
* Potter Stewart, Associate Justice (1958-1981)
* Joseph Story, Associate Justice (1811-1845)
* Noah H. Swayne, Associate Justice (1862-1881)
* William H. Taft, Chief Justice (1921-1930), Made Mason at sight by C. S. Hoskinson in Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Cincinnati, Ohio on 18 February 1909.
* Thomas Todd, Associate Justice (1807-1826)
* Robert Trimble, Associate Justice (1826-1828), Past Master, Union Lodge No. 16 F.& A.M., Paris, Kentucky
* Frederick M. Vinson, Chief Justice (1946-1953)
* Earl Warren, Chief Justice (1953-1969) – Grand Master of California 1935 to 1936
* Levi Woodbury, Associate Justice (1845-1851)
* William B. Woods, Associate Justice (1881-1887)
Republic of Texas
* Stephen F. Austin, Louisiana Lodge No. 109, St Genevieve, MO
* Jim Bowie, Humble Cottage Lodge No. 19, Opelousas, LA
* Sam Houston, Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville, TN
* William B. Travis, Alabama Lodge No. 3, Claiborne, AL
* Simón Bolívar, founder of Lodge Order and Liberty No. 2, Peru.
Military leaders
* General Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, 32° Cassia Mt. Horeb Lodge No. 273, PA. Raised in Union Lodge No. 7, Junction City, Kansas, and received the higher degrees in the Army Scottish Rite bodies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He is also a Shriner.
* General Omar N. Bradley, West Point Lodge No. 877, NY
* Admiral Arleigh Burke 33°
* Major General Claire Chennault 32° K.C.C.H. League City Lodge No. 1053, League City, Texas. He is also a Shriner.
* General Mark W. Clark, Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis, IN
* Brigadier General James Doolittle, 32° Mason and Shriner.
* Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, Elgin Lodge No. 91, Leven, Scotland
* Admiral John Jellicoe, Past Provincial Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England
* Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Made Master Mason in 1935, George C. Whiting Lodge, No. 22, D.C.
* Lord Horatio Kitchener, Past District Grand Master of Egypt and Sudan; Past Grand Warden and District Grand Master, Punjab, India; founder of several Lodges
* General Douglas MacArthur, 33° Manila Lodge No. 1, Philippines. Elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Honour in 1937, and is also a Shriner.
* General George C. Marshall, Made a Mason in an Occasional Lodge with all three degrees being conferred upon him by the Grand Master of Masons in the District of Columbia, Ara L. Daniels.
* Admiral Horatio Nelson, York Lodge No. 256.
* General John J. Pershing, 33° Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, NE. Fifty year Mason and a member of the Shrine.
* Brigadier General Albert Pike, Western Star Lodge No. 2, Little Rock, Arkansas. Sovereign Grand Commander AASR, Southern Jurisdiction.
* Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, Kilwinning Lodge No. 297, MI
* Field Marshal Aleksandr Suvorov, Lodge Zu den Drei Kronen, Königsberg
* Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, Lodge Zur Aufrichtigen Herzen, Frankfurt
* General Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Lodge at Trim No. 494, Meath, Ireland
Composers, fine artists, and popular musicians
* Phil Collins, Soho Lodge No. 3
* Roy Acuff, East Nashville Lodge No. 560, TN
* Nate Dogg Sacramento Lodge No. 24 SA, CA
* Johann Christian Bach, Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235, London
* Josephine Baker in France
* Frédéric Bartholdi, Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris
* William “Count” Basie, Wisdom Lodge No. 102, Chicago, IL
* Irving Berlin, Munn Lodge No. 190, New York, NY
* Gutzon Borglum, Howard Lodge No. 35, NY
* Roy Clark, Jenks Lodge No. 497, OK
* Ludwig van Beethoven
* George M. Cohan, Pacific Lodge No. 223, CA
* Nat King Cole, Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49, Los Angeles, CA, PHA
* Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington, Social Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, PHA
* Sir Banister Flight Fletcher, Authors Lodge No. 3456, London
* Sir William S. Gilbert, Lodge St. Machar No. 54, Aberdeen, Scotland
* Lionel Hampton, Boyer Lodge No. 1, New York, NY, PHA
* William C. Handy, Hiram Lodge No. 4, New York, NY, PHA
* Joseph Haydn, Lodge Zur Wahren Eintracht, Vienna
* Franz Liszt, Lodge Zur Einigkeit, Frankfurt
* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lodge Zur Woltatigkeit, Vienna; Lodge Zur Wahren Eintracht
* Alfons Mucha, Paris; founder of Czech Freemasonry
* Tex Ritter, Metropolitan Lodge No. 646, CA
* Adolphe Sax, Loge Les Vrais Amis de L’Union
* Jean Sibelius, Suomi Lodge No. 1, Helsinki, Finland
* John Philip Sousa, Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington, DC
* Sir Arthur Sullivan, Past Grand Organist of the United Grand Lodge of England
* Mel Tillis, Branson Lodge No. 587
Actors and entertainers
* Bud Abbott, Daylight Lodge No. 525, MI
* Cliff Arquette, Ravenwood Lodge No. 777, Chicago, IL
* Gene Autry, 33°, Grand Cross. Catoosa Lodge No. 185, OK
* Wallace Beery, Blaney Lodge No. 271, IL
* Mel Blanc, Mid Day Lodge No. 188, OR
* Ernest Borgnine, Abingdon Lodge No. 48, VA
* Eddie Cantor, Munn Lodge No. 190, New York, NY
* William “Buffalo Bill” Cody, Platte Valley Lodge No. 15, NE
* Harry H. Corbett, Chevin Lodge No. 6848, UK
* Charles Correll, Trio Lodge No. 57, Chicago, IL
* Donald Crisp, Harry S. Orme Lodge No. 458, CA
* Jim Davidson. British comedian [1]
* Cecil B. DeMille, Prince of Orange Lodge No. 16, NY
* Richard Dix, Harry S. Orme Lodge No. 458, CA
* Douglas Fairbanks, Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528, CA
* Glenn Ford, Palisades Lodge No. 637, CA; Riviera Lodge No. 780, CA
* W.C. Fields, E. Coppee Mitchell Lodge No. 605, Philadelphia, PA
* J.D. Fortune, Oakville Lodge No. 400, Oakville, ON
* Clark Gable, Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528, CA
* Arthur Godfrey, Acacia Lodge No. 18, Washington, DC
* Freeman Gosden, Petersburg Lodge No. 15, VA
* D.W. Griffith, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, NY
* Oliver Hardy, Solomon Lodge No. 20, Jacksonville, Florida
* Anthony Harper, Baraboo Lodge No. 34, Barbaoo, Wisconsin; Past Master
* Harry Houdini Initiated Aug 21, 1923, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, NYC
* Sir Henry Irving, Jerusalem Lodge No. 44, London
* Burl Ives, Magnolia (now Magnolia-La Cumbre) Lodge No. 242, CA
* Al Jolson, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, NY
* Harold Lloyd, Hamilton Lodge No. 535, Hollywood, CA; Shriner
* Harpo Marx
* Cedric The Entertainer, Sacramento Lodge No. 313, Sacramento, CA
* Louis B. Mayer, St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York, NY
* Tom Mix, Utopia Lodge No. 537, CA
* Eddy Murphy, Hollywood Lodge No. 542, North Hollywood, CA
* Bronson Pinchot, Harford Lodge No. 445, Hop Bottom, PA
* Richard Pryor, Henry Brown Lodge No. 22, Peoria, IL
* Michael Richards, Riviera Lodge No. 780, CA
* Alfred, John, Albert, Charles, William, August and Henry Ringling and their father, August Rüngeling, Baraboo Lodge No. 34, Baraboo, WI
* Jimmie Rodgers, John L. Spinks Lodge No. 507, MS
* Roy Rogers, Hollywood Lodge No. 355, CA
* Will Rogers, Claremore Lodge No. 55, OK
* Peter Sellers, Chelsea Lodge No. 3098, London, England
* Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton, Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, IN
* Robert Pershing Wadlow, Franklin Lodge No. 25, Alton, IL
* Hal B. Wallis, Prudence Lodge No. 958, Chicago, IL
* Jack Warner, Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, Los Angeles, CA
* John Wayne, Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Tucson, AZ
* Ed Wynn, Philadelphia Lodge No. 9, PA
* Darryl F. Zanuck, Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, Los Angeles, CA
* Florenz Ziegfeld, Accordia Lodge No. 277
* Adolph Zukor, Centennial Lodge No. 763, New York, NY
Industrialists and labor leaders
* John Jacob Astor, W.M. Holland Lodge No. 8, NY
* Samuel Bronfman, Covenant Lodge No. 108, QC
* André Citroën, Lodge La Philosophie Positive, Paris
* Samuel Colt, St. John’s Lodge, Hartford, CT
* Edwin Drake, Oil Creek Lodge No. 3, Titusville, PA
* Eberhard Faber, Chancellor Walworth Lodge No. 271, New York, NY
* Henry Ford, Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, MI
* Samuel Gompers, Dawson Lodge No. 16, Washington, DC
* Charles Hilton, William B. Warren Lodge No. 309, IL
* Frank G. Hoover, William McKinley Lodge No. 431, OH
* Melvin Jones, Garden City Lodge No. 141, Illinois
* Sebastian S. Kresge, Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, MI
* Sir Thomas Lipton, Scotia Lodge No. 178, Glasgow
* Frederick L. Maytag, Newton Lodge No. 59, IA
* John J. McLaughlin, Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, ON
* R. Samuel McLaughlin, Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, ON; Past Grand Steward; 75-year member
* John Molson, St. Paul’s Lodge, No. 374, Montreal, QC; Past Provincial Grand Master of Lower Canada
* Ransom E. Olds, Capitol Lodge No. 66, Lansing, MI
* J.C. Penney, Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City, UT
* George Pullman, Renovation Lodge No. 97, Albion, NY
* A. Philip Randolph, Joppa Lodge No. 55, NYC USA
* James Mayer Rothschild Initiated Oct. 24, 1802: Emulation Lodge No. 12, London
* Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Emulation Lodge No. 12, London
* David Sarnoff, Strict Observance Lodge No. 94, NY
* Dave Thomas, Sol. D. Bayless Lodge No. 359, Fort Wayne, IN
* Steve Wozniak, Charity Jarman Lodge No. 362, Campbell, CA
* Sir Richard Francis Burton, Hope Lodge, Kurrachee, Scinde, India
* Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC; established Antarctica Lodge No. 777 under the Grand Lodge of New Zealand
* Kit Carson, Montezuma Lodge No. 109, Taos, NM
* William Clark, Saint Lewis Lodge No. 111, PA
* Matthew Henson, Celestial Lodge No. 3, PHA, New York, NY
* Meriwether Lewis, Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, VA; founder, St. Louis Lodge No. 111, St. Louis, MO under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
* Charles Lindbergh, Keystone Lodge No. 243, MO
* Commodore Robert Peary, Kane Lodge No. 454, New York, NY
* Sir Robert Falcon Scott, Drury Lane Lodge No. 2127, London; Navy Lodge No. 2612
* Sir Ernest Shackleton, Navy Lodge No. 2612
* Matthew Webb, Neptune Lodge No. 22
* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lodge Amalia, Weimar
* Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lodge Zu den Drei Goldenen Rosen
* Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), Raised 1778 Loge des Neuf Sœurs, Paris
Athletes and other sports figures
* Fabien Barthez, Lodge de Bordeaux No. 12
* Harold Ballard, Corinthian Lodge No. 481, GRC
* Avery Brundage, North Shore Lodge No. 937, Chicago, IL
* Ty Cobb, Royston Lodge No. 426, Detroit, MI
* Jack Dempsey, Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago, IL
* Peter Ebdon, former snooker world champion
* Rogers Hornsby, Beacon Lodge No. 3, St. Louis, MO
* Tim Horton, Kroy Lodge No. 676, Toronto, ON
* Laurent Blanc, Lodge de Printemps No. 2
* Jack Johnson, Lodge Forfar and Kincardine No. 225, Dundee, Scotland
* Duke Kahanamoku, Surfer. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F.& A.M.
* Arnold Palmer, Loyalhanna Lodge No. 275, Latrobe, PA
* Branch Rickey, Tuscan Lodge No. 360, St. Louis, MO
* Sugar Ray Robinson, Joppa Lodge No. 55, NY, PHA
* Lex Luger, Memphis Lodge No. 281, Memphis, TN
* Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, Seabrook, TX
* Leroy Gordon Cooper, Carbondale Lodge No. 82, Carbondale, CO
* Donn F. Eisele, Luthor B. Turner Lodge No. 732, Columbus, OH
* John Glenn, Concord Lodge No. 688, Concord, OH
* Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom, Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Mitchell, IN
* James Irwin, Tejon Lodge No. 104, Colorado Springs, CO
* Edgar Mitchell, Artesia Lodge No. 28, Artesia, NM
* Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Canaveral Lodge No. 339, Cocoa Beach, FL
* Thomas Stafford, Western Star Lodge No. 138, Weatherford, OK
* James E. Webb, University Lodge No. 408, Chapel Hill, NC
* Paul J. Weitz, Lawrence Lodge No. 708, Erie, PA
Writers, journalists, and publishers
* Andrew Bell, Lodge St. David No. 36, Edinburgh
* James Boswell, Master of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge for two terms, Depute GM Scotland 1776-78
* Robert Burns, Saint David’s Lodge No. 2174, Tarbolton; many others
* Lord William Byron, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns)
* Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St. Louis, MO
* Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Phoenix Lodge No. 257, Southsea, Hampshire
* Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian Loge des Neuf Sœurs, Paris
* Edward Gibbon, Lodge of Friendship No. 3, London
* Edgar Guest, Ashler Lodge No. 91, Detroit, MI
* William Hagan, Euclid Lodge, Stoughton, MA
* Rudyard Kipling, Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782. E.C., Lahore, India; founding member, The Builders of the Silent Cities Lodge No. 12, St. Omer, France, F.R.
* Mark Lemon, Globe Lodge No. 23, London
* John B. MacLean, Ionic Lodge No. 25, Toronto, ON
* Dr. Robert Moray, Edinburgh [Lodge] 1641
* Norman Vincent Peale, Midwood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, NY
* Alexander Pope, Lodge Goat-at-the-Foot-of-the-Haymarket No. 16, London
* Aleksandr Pushkin, Lodge Ovid, Kischinev
* Theodor Reuss, occultist and head of O.T.O., Pilger Loge #238 (UGLE) 1878, and excluded 1880, also Grandmaster of Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, 1913.
* Rafael Sabatini, Jerusalem Lodge No. 197, London
* Friedrich Schiller, Rudolstadt Lodge, Berlin
* Sir Walter Scott, Saint David Lodge No. 36, Edinburgh
* Robert W. Service, Yukon Lodge No. 45, Dawson City, YT
* Gordon Sinclair, John Ross Robertson Lodge No. 545, Toronto, ON
* Jonathan Swift, Lodge Goat-at-the-Foot-of-the-Haymarket No. 16, London, England; Lodge No. 16, Dublin, Ireland
* Roy Thomson, North Bay Lodge No. 617
* Anthony Trollope, Banagher Lodge No. 306, Ireland
* Lew Wallace, Fountain Lodge No. 60, Covington, IN
* Oscar Wilde, Apollo University Lodge No. 357, Oxford
* Sir P.G. Wodehouse, Jerusalem Lodge No. 197, London
Lawyers, jurists, and law enforcement
* Izzy Einstein, Emanuel Lodge No. 654, NY
* Henry Frye Prince Hall Freemason, Khalif Temple No. 144 of the Shrine,
* J. Edgar Hoover, 33°, Grand Cross. Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC
* John Marshall, Past Grand Master of Virginia
* Moe Smith, Emanuel Lodge No. 654, NY
* Earl Warren, Past Grand Master of California
* Piotr Karamański, ul.Świerkowa 19 34-100 Wadowice, Poland
* Roscoe Pound
Doctors, scientists, and inventors
* Sir Edward Victor Appleton, Isaac Newton Lodge No. 859, Cambridge
* Elias Ashmole, Warrington Lodge, Lancashire
* Vannevar Bush, Richard C. Maclaurin Lodge, Cambridge, MA
* Erasmus Darwin, St. David’s Lodge No. 36, Edinburgh
* John Theophilus Desaguliers, Past Grand Master of England
* John Fitch, Bristol Lodge No. 25, Bristol, PA
* Sir Alexander Fleming, London Scottish Rifles Lodge No. 2310; Past Master (later, Secretary) of Sancta Maria Lodge No. 2682; Past Master (later, Treasurer) of Misericordia Lodge No. 3286, 1935; Past Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Deacon 1942; Grand Warden, 1948 UGLE; Received the Distinguished Service Citation of the Grand Lodge of New York, USA.
* Sir Sandford Fleming, St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 16, Toronto, ON
* Richard Jordan Gatling, Centre Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis, IN
* Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, founding member of the Grand Orient of France
* James Hoban, founder, Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC
* Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, Aesculapius Lodge No. 2410
* Edward Jenner, Royal Berkeley Lodge of Faith and Friendship No. 449, Berkeley, Gloucestershire
* Charles G. King, Whitman Lodge No. 49, Pullman, WA
* Charles Horace Mayo, Rochester Lodge No. 21, MN
* William James Mayo, Rochester Lodge No. 21, MN
* Franz Mesmer, Lodge Les Philadelphes, France
* Albert Abraham Michelson, Washington Lodge No. 21, New York, NY
* Jacques-Étienne and Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, Loge des Neuf Sœurs, Paris
* Wilhelm Ostwald, Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge Zur Aufgehenden Sonne, Bayreuth
* Charles Robert Richet, Lodge Cosmos, France
* George Shillibeer, Etonian Lodge of St. John No. 209, Windsor
* William Stukeley, Salutation Tavern Lodge, London
* Sir Christopher Wren, Lodge of Antiquity No. 2
Educators, religious leaders, and others
* Robert E.B. Baylor, founder of Baylor University, Past Grand Chaplain of Texas
* Daniel Carter Beard, Made a Mason in Mariner’s Lodge No. 67, New York City, NY, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, NY.
* Francis Bellamy, Little Falls Lodge No. 181, Little Falls, NY
* Charles P. “Pa” Ingalls, De Smet Lodge No. 55, De Smet, SD
o He, wife Caroline and daughters Laura and Carrie were all members of Bethlehem Chapter No. 13 of the Order of the Eastern Star in De Smet
* Melvin Jones, Garden City Lodge No. 141, IL
* Heber C. Kimball 1823, Victor Flats Lodge, Ontario County, New York.
* Most Rev. Derwyn Trevor Owen, Ionic Lodge No. 25, Toronto, ON
* Joseph Smith, Nauvoo Lodge, IL
* Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, President of The George Washington University, Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15, Washington, DC
* Swami Vivekananda, Hope and Anchor Lodge No. 1, Calcutta, India
* Booker T. Washington, Past Grand Master of Massachusetts, PHA
* Brigham Young, Nauvoo Lodge, IL
Famous entered apprentices
“Mason” generally refers to a Master Mason, or one who has received all three of the initiatory degrees of Freemasonry. Those who have received only the Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft degrees are initiated members, but without all the rights and privileges accorded to Master Masons.
* General Nathan Bedford Forrest was initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry, but he never completed his second and third degrees and never returned to Lodge.
* President Lyndon B. Johnson was initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry, but his congressional duties made it impossible for him to pursue the second and third degrees.